
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My first video!!

India Mission Trip 2010!!


I heard this song first in India mission trip. I was so impressed by this lyrics.

There is no one like our God
for greater things have yet to come
and greater things are still to be done in this city!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My first testimony

I've grown up as a pastor's son.

But I don't like to be a pastor's son.

Even I'm ashamed it

I couldn't sing loud, pray loud.

I had no vision. Just wasting my time.

When I joined in the Army, I met Jesus in there.

He put me in difficult situation.

I was quite a good officer, a platoon leader.

I was near by DMZ.

after I promoted, I became a staff officer in my battlion.

I was scolded every day in 3 month by my command officer.

There was no friend to share, no hope.

I was thinking to kill myself.

But Jesus still doesn't give up me.

I tried to pray and ask him for changing my circumstance.

God changed my roomate and we start morning devotion for encouraging each other.

Also, God changed my command officer as a strong Christian.

I realized that God is real. He was hearing my prayer.

He totally changed my life and even my future.

I forgave to find a job, after I retired.

and decided that I will give my life to Him.

I want to show this video clip. God never give up like this father.